I don’t miss Germany or “German culture/food” etc. at all.
I have no allegiance to Germany beyond currently holding a passport of that country.
I was happy when I left that country 7 years ago – and as things turned out (amplified by the events of 2020), it was the right choice for us.
That said:
I miss *Frankfurt*, the people and the culture, a fair amount and not being able to visit them the past year definitely was one of the “sadder parts” of 2020.
Time was used well given the circumstances – but the day we are back chilling at bench in front of the Nikolai church while munching down a box of Grie Soss’ from the Kleinmarkthalle, enjoying the elevating view from Alte Bruecke downstream towards Frankfurt’s majestic skyline – and most of all are back with the crew on the terraces of the Waldstadion; those days will have the next time around an even more special feeling than before.
Until travel is possible again in a less obstructive way – that book must (and surelly will!) do.
Thanks to the crew from Eintracht Frankfurt Museum, Matze Thoma, Axel Hoffmann & looking forward to have it in our hands soon down here in Vietnam!