
Flooding in Central Vietnam

The annual flooding in Central Vietnam (areas around Hue and Hoi An) has this year been especially bad and countless villages under water or encircled by it.


Global Online Bitcoin Meetup – September 2020

As one of the creators of the local Bitcoin Meetup in Saigon alongside Diana and Khoa back in the fall of 2014 I had the opportunity to partake on behalf of the Saigon Bitcoin community in the Global Online Meetup organized by the Greek Community earlier this month. The topics included besides the newest advancements on the Lightning Network and…

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Why this blog/website?

The very short answer is:  Because whining is for losers and if you’re unhappy with the state of the world: Do something about it. The medium-long answer: Because owning your own media and having direct access to your audience and not be at the peril of being “cancelled” by some malnourished, 200k-USD-student-loan-indebted, embittered, lonely and sexually confused intern at one…

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Spendenkampagne Löwin Lotti

Insbesondere in diesen Zeiten ist es wichtig Zusammenhalt zu zeigen mit den Leuten in seinem direkten Umfeld. F… politics – und helft in eurem Umfeld den Leuten um euch herum, die euch wichtig sind und eine helfende Hand brauchen. Wir haben letztes Jahr leidvoll am eigenen Leib erfahren muessen, wie es ist, wenn man ueber Monate hinweg zwischen Hoffen und…

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