
“Cryptoeconomics” by Eric Voskuil now available as Paperback & Amazon Kindle version

“Cryptoeconomics” by Eric Voskuil now available as Paperback & Amazon Kindle version

You can gamble away all your savings & time on shitcoins & stonks.

Or you can invest it into furthering a deeper understanding of how Bitcoin & the world really works.

Get this book.

Or not.

Your choice – your consequences to own.

Note that I don’t receive any remuneration or similar to give a shout out for the collected works of Eric. He’s put in years of his time to think, consider and compile his ideas on the topic – and this is the result. Even if you might not agree with every proposition (at least initially) – it’s a book that makes you think and where you will take something away from it. Most “Bitcoin books” are boring if you are sufficiently long involved into the topic matter – this one is not.

And if you are in a tough spot financially right now and can’t afford the paperback version – all the content is for free available at:

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